Ep. 83 Hoodoos Get Initiated Too
In episode 83 of @alittlejujupodcast Juju talks about Instagram banning spiritual content, if Mullein is the original Pepto Bismol that also raises spirits from the dead, and the story of Father Watson, the conjure man who initiated Zora Neal Hurston.
Saturday, March 5th is That Witch Life Mini-Con, a virtual conference with workshops on herbalism, Deities, and suburban Magick, along with a Master Class on DNA Ancestry Magick led by Stephanie Rose Bird, author of 365 Days Of Hoodoo. Register at thatwitchlife.com and check out the hilarious That Witch Life podcast.
Podcast Intro Beat:
IG: @obiigami
Audio Engineer: Kobe Guilford
Hoodoo 101 Class with Juju Bae:
Full episode show notes/ quilting notes: