Ep. 82 Our Folklore is Our Inheritance

In episode 82 of @AlittleJujuPodcast, Juju talks the history of Anna Julia Cooper (1858?-1964) a Black liberation activist, speaker, and author often referred to as the Mother of Black feminism. In this mini-sode we will talk about Anna J. Cooper's contribution to the protection of the sacredness that is African-American folklore and naming that Black folks can turn to our lore as our "secret weapon". What stories do you remember from your past, or would you share to younger generations to keep our oral traditions alive?

Podcast Intro Beat: 
IG: @obiigami

Audio Engineer: Kobe Guilford

Hoodoo 101 Class with Juju Bae!:

Full episode show notes/ quilting notes:


Ep. 83 Hoodoos Get Initiated Too


Ep. 81 Stitching a Story: Hoodoo + Quilting